Application for the Chinese Government Scholarship

ⅠA Brief Introduction of Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes
In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from the rest of the world, and to enhance cooperation and exchanges in the fields of education, science technology, culture, economics and trade between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international students and scholars to undertake studies and research in Chinese institutions of higher education.
The Ministry of Education of P. R. China (MOE) is responsible for the provision of Chinese government scholarships, and entrusts China Scholarship Council (CSC) to administer the recruitment of international students and the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes.
International students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes will be placed in 94 Chinese institutions of higher education designated by the MOE. There are over 300 subjects in sciences, technology, agronomy, medicine, economics, law, management, education, history, liberal arts and philosophy available for international students in these institutions.
We welcome outstanding students, scholars and teachers from all over the world to come to study or undertake research in institutions of higher education in China.
1. The Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme
Established by the MOE in accordance with educational exchange agreements or MOUs reached by the Chinese government and governments of other countries or international organizations, it provides both full and partial scholarships for international students and scholars. The scheme supports students to study in China as undergraduates, postgraduates, Chinese language students, visiting scholars and senior visiting scholars. Applicants may apply for scholarship through education authorities, designated institutions or Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries.
2. CHINA/UNESCO the Great Wall Fellowship Scheme
It is a full scholarship scheme established by the MOE for candidates recommended by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Only visiting and senior visiting scholar candidates are eligible. Applicants may apply either to UNESCO headquarters or to the UNESCO national committee in the applicants' home countries.
3. Distinguished International Students Scholarship Scheme
It was established by the MOE to sponsor outstanding international students who have accomplished their previous studies in China and are enrolled by designated Chinese institutions as Master's or Doctoral degree candidates in the next academic year. It includes full or partial scholarships. Applicants may apply for scholarships to the CSC through the recommendation of their Chinese hosting institutions.
4. HSK Winner Scholarship Scheme
It is a full scholarship scheme established by the MOE to support international students who are the winners in the HSK test (Chinese Proficiency Test) held overseas to study Chinese in China. Applicants may apply to the CSC through the HSK test organizing institutions or Chinese diplomatic missions.
5. Chinese Cultural Research Fellowship Scheme
This scheme was established by the MOE to sponsor overseas scholars and specialists in Chinese culture to conduct short-term research in China. Applicants may apply to the CSC directly, or through the recommendation of relevant Chinese institutions, professors or Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries.
6. The short-term Scholarship Scheme for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
This is established by the MOE for foreign teachers who teach Chinese language as a second language to undertake short-term research and improvement in China. Applicants may apply to the CSC through Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries.
1. Full scholarship: A Chinese government full scholarship covers tuition (or research) fees, Medical Insurance for International Students, basic learning materials costs, accommodation, living allowance, a one-time settlement subsidy and one inter-city travel allowance.
2. Partial scholarship: One or some items of the full scholarship.
3. International air travel: Applicants are expected to meet their own international travel costs unless there are bilateral agreements or arrangements.
For detailed information about the above scholarships, please refer to the attached Scholarship Application Procedures.
1. Application Approach and Recruitment Time
The period for recruiting international student under Chinese Government Scholarship Programmes is normally from the beginning of January to the end of April. Details on application procedures are determined by the consultation between Chinese diplomatic missions and the relevant authorities in the applicants' home country. Applicants may contact the relevant authorities or Chinese diplomatic missions in their home countries for details.
2. Scholarship Applications
Applicants should meet the basic qualifications prescribed in the Application Procedures, and must fill in the application forms correctly as required. They also need to provide relevant application documents including notarized photocopies of diplomas, transcripts, study plans, health certificates and recommendation letters. Application documents for scholarships must reach the CSC before the deadline as specified in the Application Procedures via their Embassies in China or Chinese diplomatic missions in the applicants' home country. Application documents which arrive after the deadline will not be accepted. Please refer to the attached Application Procedures for details.
Application documents will not be returned whether the applicants are admitted by Chinese institutions or not. Documents such as original diplomas and original Foreigner Physical Examination Form must NOT be sent as application documents.
3. Selection of Higher Education Institutions and Specialties
Applicants for Chinese Government Scholarships must choose their host institutions and specialties from the institutions of higher education designated by the Ministry of Education of China. Please check the Directory of Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under the Chinese Government Scholarship Programme or the website of CSC ( for details.
4. Language of Instruction
The Chinese institutions of higher education generally use Chinese as the language of instruction. Applicants with no command of Chinese are generally required to take Chinese language courses for 1-2 years before pursuing their major studies. In some institutions, some courses set for visiting, senior visiting sholars and postgraduate students can be conducted in English. Please refer to Directory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programme for details.
CSC will review all the application documents received from the designated authorities to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions. Applications will not be processed if they are not compliant with recruitment regulations or the application documents are incomplete. Qualified applications will be forwarded to different institutions and the final decision whether to admit the applicants or not will be made by the institutions. Finalized placements, specialties and duration of studies are in principle not to be changed. If the applicant has been contacted by or admitted by an institution (listed in the Directory) prior to application, the applicant is requested to enclose relevant admission letters for the reference of the host institution.
Scholarship applicants accepted by Chinese institutions will be officially confirmed as Chinese Government Scholarship students with endorsement from the Ministry of Education of China.
CSC will send the List of Admitted Students, Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study In China (JW201) to the relevant dispatching authorities by July 31, so as to have the documents forwarded to the students.
1. Visa Application
Students under the Chinese Government Scholarship Programme should apply for a visa to study in China at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General with the original documents and one set of photocopies of the Admission Notice, Visa Application for Study In China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination Form, and a valid ordinary passport.
Scholarship students who are going to stay in China for more than 6 months will need to apply for "X" visa, while those who will stay less than 6 months will need to apply for "F" visa. The scholarship students must enter China with the original copies of the above documents. A person coming to China with other types of passports, visas or without the original documents will not be able to register with the institution, nor will they be able to apply for residence in China.
2. Registration
International students must arrive at and formally register in the institution at the time specified in the Admission Notice. Those who are unable to register before the specified time must ask for permission from the institution directly. Those who fail to register without the prior consent of the institution will be considered as voluntarily giving up their enrollment, and the scholarship will automatically be withdrawn.
3. Health Verification and Residence Registration
Health verification:
Scholarship students who are going to stay for more than 6 months must bring their passports, Admission Notice, and the original copies of Foreigner Physical Examination Form and the Blood Test Report to the local quarantine office within the time set to have their medical examinations verified. International students whose Foreigner Physical Examination Forms do not meet the requirements will have to re-take their medical examinations. Those who refuse to re-take the medical examination or are diagnosed as suffering from diseases that are not permitted to enter China under Chinese laws and regulations will be required to leave China. The costs of the medical examination and the international traveling expenses will be borne by the international students.
Residence registration:
After the health verification, scholarship students must apply for residence permission from the local police authority with their passports, Admission Notice and Foreigner Physical Examination Form.
1. The Transit Service Section for Chinese Government Scholarship Students will provide free transit service for new scholarship students who have to make a stopover in Beijing between August 28th and September 18th.
Embassies in China, the Chinese diplomatic missions concerned or individuals are requested to inform the Transit Service Section of the arrival date of the international students, as well as the numbers of flight or train one week in advance.
Address of the Transit Service Section for Chinese Government Scholarship Students are as follows:
International Students' Office
Beijing Language University
No. 15 Xueyuan Avenue, Haidian District
Beijing, 100083
P. R. China
Tel: 86-10-82303057
Fax: 86-10-82303923
2. Those who arrive in Beijing before or after the above-mentioned period of time or who have to make a stopover in cities other than Beijing will have to make their own arrangements to reach their universities. The universities shall reimburse the scholarship students for the cost of the hard-berth railway tickets between the entry port and the city where the university is located according to existing regulations.
In accordance with the Measures for the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status, scholarship students who have been approved to study in China for more than one year must participate in the Annual Review. The institutions will undertake the review comprehensively, including aspects of study performance, attitude towards study, attendance, behavior, award or penalty, etc. Those who pass the Annual Review will be qualified to have the scholarship for the following academic year. Those who fail in the Annual Review will be suspended from their scholarship for the following academic year or terminated. Please refer to the attached Measures for the Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarships for details.
The Chinese Government Scholarship scheme was established by the Ministry of Education of China in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached by the Chinese government and governments of other countries, educational organizations, institutions and relevant international organizations. The Chinese Government Scholarships provide both full and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. The China Scholarship Council (CSC) administers the recruitment of international students and the daily management of the Chinese Government Scholarship scheme.
1.Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship
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